Our Services



Plant, Infrastructure, Machinery & Equipment

Agriculture, Forestry, Mining & Industrial

Working Vessels, Luxury Yachts, Boats, Motorcycles

Mount Machinery Limited offers expert personnel to evaluate assets across various sectors including commercial, industrial, agricultural, mining, and technology. Our comprehensive services encompass the valuation of plant, machinery, and equipment.

Each industrial valuation project is tailored to meet the specific instructions and requirements of our clients. We conduct meticulous on-site inspections to document and measure all pertinent details. These details are then meticulously recorded in an inventory database, with individual items listed and priced separately. The final document can be seamlessly converted into an Asset Register, which Mount Machinery Limited can manage continuously.

Our range of services includes:

  1. Valuations for insurance purposes, including Estimated New Replacement Cost, and market valuations (Market Value).

  2. Valuations for Financial Reporting.

  3. Recording asset specifications and technical information.

  4. Recording asset identification and serial numbers.

  5. Estimating asset age, usage, and remaining useful lifespan.

  6. Assessing general condition.

  7. Establishing operating conditions and standards.

  8. Photographing assets for record purposes, with appropriate coding.

With our expertise and attention to detail, Mount Machinery ensures thorough and accurate asset valuation for our clients.


Specialised assets

Classic cars are more than just investments; they're works of art. At Mount Machinery Limited, we possess the expertise and proficiency to precisely evaluate vintage vehicles for their market value or replacement cost, particularly for insurance purposes. This specialized service is conducted by our carefully selected valuers.

The value of a classic or vintage car is influenced by various factors, such as the make and model, condition, and previous ownership history. We take into account these aspects as well as other market dynamics to ensure an accurate assessment of your vehicle. Our sensitivity to these factors allows us to provide you with a comprehensive and informed valuation.


General assets

These valuations can only be carried out by a select few as this is a highly specialised service.

Mount Machinery prides itself on being able to provide this general assets valuation service.

Our Valuers are able to determine size, usage, capabilities, function, condition and fittings. Valuations are done for both market and insurance purposes.